
Monday, January 24, 2011


The main target of this blog is to share our food knowledge since we became independent from our parents. Once we started our professional careers we were forced to change our food habits from those we had previously acquired at home. After some time we suffered from an important overweight and also from high cholesterol rate and all that before our thirties. For this reason we decided to change radically our food habits and look for a proper diet, which could be adapted to our present needs (sedentary jobs).

At the very beginning due to professional reasons we had to have lunch every work day in a restaurant, which was a very easy way, but as the time went by, it caused us an important overweight. After getting a new job we were able to have lunch in the office, so we started preparing lunch boxes. We could control what we ate, but we didn't. It is a hard task to be done daily, so we prepared easy recipes like pasta, rice, meat, etc., easy meals but containing many calories (at least too many for our sedentary jobs).

At any given time, we decided to change our nutritional routine, improve our diet and our health at the same time. The new diet involved a drastic reduction of several products, such as meat, fish, sugar and carbohydrates. We didn't intend to turn it into a vegetarian or vegan diet, as we are not determined to dispense with some food, as cured ham, or the star product of our meals: olive oil.

As a result of this initiative, we feel better physically, as we have lost weight (almost 20 kg. and by now we are reaching our "ideal weight") and we are improving our health. We didn’t have to use any kind of medicine, or follow a diet stated by a nutritionist.

After what we consider as a success, we have decided to share our experience and the knowledge we have acquired during this time. In this blog you will find different information such as recipes, comments, opinions and tips, among other. You will also find not so healthy recipes such a snacks or what we call “tapas”, as we think that sometimes it is necessary to take a break and eat not-so-healthy food to feel psychologically better. So that is what you are going to find here, any information we consider relevant other people.

We hope you’ll enjoy it and we encourage you to place comments or questions. They will be welcome.

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